
Meet Tuesday or Thursday Evenings

6.30 – 8pm

Be Prepared

The Cubs is the second section of the Scouting movement. Originally started in 1916 for the younger brother of Scouts. Based on the Jungle book, our leaders are named after Jungle book characters and run by "Akela".

Cubs will enjoy the next stage in their Scouting life with more adventurous outdoor activities, camps and learning new and exciting skills, As part of the sea Scouts we will give the Cubs more opportunities to experience being on the water, in a sailing boat or kayak.

Master new skills and try new things, have fun and go on adventures, make friends, be curious about the world around them, help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond

The Cub Pack

Every week, they gather in our group called a Cub Pack to take part in lots of interesting and challenging activities – achieving anything they set their minds to and having lots of fun along the way.

Like the Beavers, Cubs will explorer time on the water with lots of opportunities to start learning new skills

The Cub Promise

Traditional Promise Alternative Promise

I promise that I will do my best I promise that I will do my best

to do my duty to God and to the King, to uphold our Scout values,

to help other people to do my duty to the King,

and to keep the Cub Scout Law. to help other people

and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

The Cub Scout Law:

Cub Scouts always do their best

Think of others before themselves

And do a good turn every day.

Cub Uniform and Badges